It was announced during the leaders summit, which was held recently in the United states of America.
The summit focused on the countries responsible for highest carbon emissions. India ranks third after the US and China in terms of CO2 emission. Although it's CO2 emissions are 60% less than the global average on a per capita basis.
Though there is a need and demand of decreasing the CO2, The International Energy Agency, expects a dramatic rise in emissions as countries race to shake off the impact of the pandemic caused by the emergence of coronavirus.
During the summit British Prime Minister Mr. Boris Johnson also announced an enhanced emissions cut of 78% by 2035 over 1990 levels. It further called for climate funding by rich nations to exceed the decade-old goal of $100 billion.
How will the pact benefit India?
It will aid India in realising the target of expansion of renewable energy to 450 GW.
It will provide India with access to incorporate innovative materials and processes to decarbonise industry, transport and buildings which are the biggest emitters apart from the power sector.
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