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COVID In Her Voice: A Girl-led and Centred Participatory Research Study:

  • The study was supported under the aegis of the U.K. government. It is conducted by EMpower which is a global philanthropy focused on at-risk youth in emerging markets.

  •  In this girls  aged 13-24 from Ahmedabad, Alwar, Bareily, Delhi, Lucknow, Mumbai and Pune within their communities were trained as a researcher and they conducted this survey.

  • The report found out:

    • Difficulty to study online: 

      • Around 80% of the respondents reported an increase in household chores and thus, 64% of girls and young women felt they did not have the time/ space to study online.

      • 28% of the respondents lacked the resources and technology such as mobile phones or Internet access to learn/ attend online classes.

    • In marginalised communities, due to increased financial distress, 42% of the girls feel that the pressure to get married have increased.

    • Around  90% of girls reported experiencing mental distress and despair and no knowledge of the coping mechanism.

    • Nearly, 26% respondents believe there was an increase in gender-based violence and thus a restriction on their freedom.

    • A list of priority recommendations were created after this survey which includes establishing girl-friendly spaces within the community such as skills training centres and violence-free spaces.

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