News: The first module of China permanent space Station “TIANHE/ HEAVENLY HARMONY” was launched into space from Wenchang Centre, in the southern island province of Hainan.
It is the first module of China's space station and it is launched atop a Long March 5B’ rocket.
Prior to this China has sent only trial stations i.e. The Tiangong-1 and Tiangong-2. They were simple modules that allowed only relatively short stays by astronauts.
The new module is meant for providing power and propulsion and contains the life support technologies and living quarters required by visiting astronauts.
Permanent Space station:
Presently only the International Space Station with participants such as Russia, the US, Canada, Europe and Japan, is operating in space; this will expire by 2024. However, China is excluded to participate in the ISS.
Thus, China is establishing its own Space Station, which will get operationalised by 2022.
It has overall eleven modules, this is the first module of the Space station.
This multi-module Tiangong station is set to be operational for at least 10 years.
It will be in earth orbit at an altitude of 340 to 450 km.
The later missions will include two other core modules, four manned spacecraft and four cargo spacecraft.